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weeklyOSM 723



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OSMers Fukushima discuss each issue of weeklyOSM [1]


  • Pete Masters explained how the use of 3D meshes created from drone imagery has significantly improved the accuracy of mapping in the informal settlements of Sierra Leone, allowing the complex structures to be better visualised and understood from different angles.
  • Pedro Tharg has proposed a method for mapping Brazilian vegetation in OpenStreetMap by aligning IBGE ecological system classifications with existing OSM tags, and provided detailed guidelines for tagging different vegetation types based on their elevation and ecological characteristics.

Mapping campaigns

  • Brazil Singh described the OpenStreetMap Bangladesh community’s mega mapathon held in Dhaka on 24 May, featuring workshops, quizzes, and mapping activities, with notable participation from the Rajshahi University and speeches from OSMBD President Sawan Shariar and Vice President Yeamun Hasan Soumik. Brazil further highlighted the success of the event and future activities leading up to the State of the Map Bangladesh in September.


  • Rémi Labarthe is relaunching the EcceCarto2 survey as part of his internship at Teritorio to re-evaluate the typology of French-speaking OSM contributors and their commitment values, by inviting the community to participate and share the survey. The survey is only available in French.
  • Raelene Page Dugger discussed the multifaceted value of maps in navigation, planning, public health, communication, and education, emphasising their essential role in everyday tasks and critical situations, while highlighting the serious consequences of the lack of accurate maps in developing regions and praising initiatives such as HOT for promoting accessible geographic data.
  • rtnf has reviewed the cuisine tag, explaining how it is used to describe the type of food served at places such as restaurants, fast food outlets, and cafes, detailing various ethnic origins, specific food types, and other features of the food or its style, along with guidelines for combining multiple cuisine types.


  • Tunda announced that a workshop will be held on Saturday 8 June at the Villa Kuriosum in Berlin, where participants could learn how to map trees using OpenStreetMap. The workshop is aimed at beginners and is part of the ‘Long Day of Urban Nature’ event.


  • The IVIDES has held a workshop on mapping important features for disaster risk reduction in OpenStreetMap. Dr Raquel Souto commented on this workshop in her diary, saying that she developed a series of uMaps to support humanitarian actions in response to the recent floods in Brazil. The video is available to everyone and the collaborative mapping campaign for supporting humanitarian actions in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, continues to be documented on the OSM Wiki , with everyone from around the world gently invited to help to map for this activation.

OSM research

  • Martin Böckling, Heiko Paulheim, and Sarah Detzler’s paper presented a framework for transforming OpenStreetMap data into a planetary-scale spatio-temporal knowledge graph using the H3 grid system, highlighting the advantages of a graph-based representation for geospatial data and comparing it to other spatial knowledge graphs.


  • Lokjo.com offers a global map service that allows users to find and save their favourite locations by bookmarking or adding links to their home screens, with updates in multiple languages. ollibaba has tooted a detailed review of this.

OSM in action

  • The co2.click map shows air quality data from public co2.click sensors on an OSM basemap. If you have a Wi-Fi enabled air quality monitor, you can add your sensor to the map and share the air quality of your area or region.
  • Russian companies are continuing to experiment with using OpenStreetMap data in services (we reported earlier). It was noted in the chat of the Russian-speaking community that the online classifieds platform Avito is testing the use of OpenStreetMap data when displaying real estate listings to show what infrastructure is available nearby.


  • Since Saturday 1 June the OpenStreetMap API now requires apps to use OAuth 2.0 to authenticate. HTTP Basic Authentication and OAuth 1.0a are no longer supported. More information can be found on the wiki.
  • HeiGIT demonstrated the new live mode of ohsomeNowStats in a short video.
  • Dominik Neumann highlighted some of the new features of the ohsome Quality API, including comparative analysis with external datasets, an intuitive interface for seamless data quality assessment, flexible region selection, comprehensive results display, and real-time sharing, all based on open source technology to enhance OpenStreetMap data analysis.
  • Alex Cojocaru’s pull request for BRouter-Web used the updated geodata exchange library to improve the calculation of gradients by eliminating the 200 m segmentation, improving the accuracy and readability of elevation profiles.


  • Kamil Monicz, aka Zaczero, described his project to autonomously map zebra crossings in Poland using machine learning models, combining YOLO for detection and a CNN for classification, with the objective to ultimately improve pedestrian safety by enhancing OpenStreetMap data (we reported earlier).
  • The ServerlessMaps GitHub repository provides instructions for building and hosting high-performance serverless maps on AWS, with detailed steps for setting up the project locally, building basemaps, deploying serverless infrastructure, uploading maps, and sample websites.
  • Mattia Pezzotti, a Google Summer of Code 2024 participant, presented their project for integrating Panoramax imagery into the iD editor. The project aims to enhance map exploration by incorporating 360-degree imagery, providing users with valuable visual context and improving map visualisation and community engagement.
  • Stefan Bohacek described the process of creating an interactive map of UNESCO World Heritage Sites, highlighting the use of different data sources, mapping tools, and technical steps involved in the project.


  • The Every Door 5.1 release introduced several new features and enhancements, including a recently walked path display, GeoScribbles drawing lock, QR code scanner for website fields, address retention suggestions, node movement for relationship members, a demolition marker button, and various bug fixes. Due to the Flutter upgrade support is now only available for Android 5.0 and up.

Did you know …

  • [1] … that the OpenStreetMap Community in Fukushima, Japan, hosts a weekly online discussion to discuss recently published weeklyOSM articles?
  • Complete-Tes-Commerces is a site that focuses on French businesses already present in OSM and helps contributors retrieve and fill in missing SIRET and address tags? This tool allows you to track shops in a city and will also highlight when an establishment has been marked as closed in the Base Sirene .
  • … Mark Stosberg released open-source software in 2021 that is designed to calculate the walk potential of cities? It works by evaluating how many amenities are within a 10-minute walk, with the aim of helping city planners prioritise infrastructure improvements such as adding sidewalks.

OSM in the media

  • Shunnosuke Shimizu, an active contributor to the Code for Japan and HOT Japan, has led a volunteer group of around 2000 people to preserve a map of the Noto Peninsula before the earthquake that occurred in the area in January 2024. In addition, they also mapped the reconstruction that has taken place in the area since the disaster. Shimizu, a qualified art restorer, stated that the act of recording the original state of the area is inspired by the European philosophy of art restoration. This philosophy aims to preserve the current state of artworks and transmit them to future generations.

Other “geo” things

  • Kyle Corry’s Trail Sense is an open-source Android app that helps in wilderness trekking and survival situations by using the phone’s sensors for features such as navigation, weather forecasting, and backtracking, all designed for offline use.

Upcoming Events

Where What Online When Country
Saarbrücken Stammtisch OSM Saarland gemeinsam mit OpenSaar e. V. 2024-05-31 flag
SotM Asia 2024 – Announcement of Venue 2024-05-31
Yelahanka taluku OSM Bengaluru Mapping Party 2024-06-01 flag
City of Vincent Social Mapping Sunday: Hyde Park II 2024-06-02 flag
Richmond MapRVA Meetup 2024-06-04 flag
臺北市 OpenStreetMap x Wikidata Taipei #65 2024-06-03 flag
City of Westminster London pub meet-up 2024-06-04 flag
Missing Maps London Mapathon 2024-06-04
Berlin OSM-Verkehrswende #59 2024-06-04 flag
Berlin Geomob Berlin 2024-06-05 flag
Brno Kvartální OSM pivo 2024-06-05 flag
OSM Indoor Meetup 2024-06-05
Stuttgart Stuttgarter OpenStreetMap-Treffen 2024-06-05 flag
Dresden OSM-Stammtisch Dresden 2024-06-06 flag
Rio de Janeiro 💻 Oficina de mapeamento de árvores e cobertura vegetal no OpenStreetMap – YouthMappers UFRJ 2024-06-07 flag
OSMF Engineering Working Group meeting 2024-06-07
København OSMmapperCPH 2024-06-09 flag
Zug 164. OSM-Stammtisch ausnahmsweise in Zug 2024-06-11 flag
San Jose South Bay Map Night 2024-06-12 flag
Salt Lake City OSM Utah Monthly Map Night 2024-06-13 flag
Lorain County OpenStreetMap Midwest Meetup 2024-06-13 flag
München Münchner OSM-Treffen 2024-06-13 flag
Berlin 192. Berlin-Brandenburg OpenStreetMap Stammtisch 2024-06-14 flag
Hannover OSM-Stammtisch Hannover 2024-06-16 flag

If you like to see your event here, please put it into the OSM calendar. Only data which is there, will appear in weeklyOSM.

This weeklyOSM was produced by PierZen, Strubbl, TheSwavu, barefootstache, derFred, mcliquid, miurahr, rtnf, s8321414.
We welcome link suggestions for the next issue via this form and look forward to your contributions.

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