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weeklyOSM 694



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Just two of the impressive examples created from OSM data in the 30DayMapChallenge. [1] | © Jacopo Farina & terence | map data © OpenStreetMap contributors


  • AgusQui shared his experience of trying to map railway signalling on the Sarmiento line (Once Station – Moreno Station) in Buenos Aires City, Argentina.
  • Andres Gomez Casanova described the various alternatives for integrating OpenStreetMap data with data from Wikimedia projects. At the end of the article he pointed out that the ODbL licence used by OpenStreetMap can sometimes be incompatible with the CC-BY licence used by Wikimedia.
  • The OpenStreetMap community in Marikina City in the Philippines is planning to cycle through the city together and collect street-level imagery of the roads they will travel.
  • Xtvn pondered some of the ethical questions regarding the GPS Traces feature on OpenStreetMap.

Mapping campaigns

  • Tom Di Nunzio has proposed a project to import data from the Palenque Mapping Project’s archaeological research in the Chiapas region of Mexico to OpenStreetMap.


  • Professor Stefan Keller, from the OST Ostschweizer Fachhochschule, is working as a ‘mapper in residence’ in the city of Winterthur, Switzerland, for four Fridays in November 2023. The city administration described it as a win-win situation for the city and OpenStreetMap on LinkedIn with three clear benefits:
    • Link between the city administration and the OSM community.
    • Understanding of OSM among the organisation’s employees.
    • Promoting the improvement of OpenStreetMap content and processes through the community.

    We think this is highly recommended for imitation.

  • Koreller has found two online sources with information about skyscrapers from all over the world. In his blog, he described how he took that opportunity to enrich several free projects with the buildings of Pyongyang; Wikidata, Wikimedia Commons, and OpenStreetMap.
  • Matheus Gomes Correia blogged about using an Insta360 X3 camera for street-level imagery, which he investigated as part of of his PhD research. He concluded that the images are great, but the GPS software is not precise enough.
  • Niels Elgaard Larsen reported about the maxspeed tag’s status and quality in Denmark.

OpenStreetMap Foundation

  • A wiki page outlining information about the 17th Annual General Meeting of the OpenStreetMap Foundation has been created.
  • Dorothea Kazazi announced that the October OpenStreetMap Foundation board meeting has resulted in two new decisions, namely approval of draft travel policy and the approval of advisory board coordinator role.
  • Arnalie Vicario, a board member of the OpenStreetMap Foundation, asked the community for ideas on how to improve the current OSMF affiliation system.


  • OpenStreetMap Kerala have hosted their annual community meetup in Thrissur, Kerala, India. More than 70 OSM enthusiasts, users, and government officials joined to discuss using and improving OpenStreetMap data.


OSM in action

  • elDiario.es, a Spanish online news site, has published an interactive map explaining the history of vertical housing in Spain.

Open Data

  • Lat × Long reported on how Overture’s Global Entity Reference System hopes to improve data interoperability but it’s not there yet. Overture has assigned GERS IDs to more than 1.6 million building footprints across several cities in North America, South America, and Europe. But it seems that GERS is of little use outside of Overture’s ecosystem.


  • GeoDesk has published a new version of its OpenStreetMap database toolkit. Store the entire OSM planet in under 100 GB, run queries 50 times faster than SQL, and now with full scripting support for Python. Free and open-source.


  • Kamil Monicz (NorthCrab), a member of the Polish OSM community, has just announced, on the OSM Community forum, that he is working on a complete code rewrite of osm.org and the publication of API 0.7, written entirely in Python. More details are available on GitHub.

Upcoming Events

Where What Online When Country
Accra Ghana YouthMappers Showcase online 2023-11-06 – 2023-11-10 flag
Lorain County OpenStreetMap Midwest Meetup 2023-11-09 flag
Capanema Oficina Openstreetmap Iniciando no Mapeamento Colaborativo com o Editor ID. 2023-11-08 – 2023-11-09 flag
Recife workshop Starting Collaborative Mapping with the ID Editor. / Iniciando o Mapeamento Colaborativo com o Editor ID 2023-11-08 – 2023-11-09 flag
Berlin 185. Berlin-Brandenburg OpenStreetMap Stammtisch (Online) 2023-11-09 flag
Montrouge Rencontre contributeurs Sud de Paris 2023-11-09 flag
Berchem State of the Map EU 2023 2023-11-10 – 2023-11-12 flag
Mapping for Impact 2.0 2023-11-10
Birthday Virtual Mapathon 2023-11-10
Brno Listopadový brněnský Missing Maps mapathon na konferenci OpenAlt 2023 2023-11-11 flag
København OSMmapperCPH 2023-11-12 flag
Hannover OSM-Stammtisch Hannover 2023-11-12 flag
HOT Disaster Mapathon: OSM GeoWeek 2023-11-13
Budapest Budapest : 2023 November OSM meetup 2023-11-13 – 2023-11-20 flag
Chambéry Mapathon débutant saison 23/24 CartONG 2023-11-13 flag
Grenoble Atelier du groupe local de Grenoble le lundi 13 novembre 2023-11-13 flag
臺北市 OpenStreetMap x Wikidata 月聚會 #58 2023-11-13 flag
Berlin Missing Maps – MSF & DRK Online Mapathon 2023-11-14 flag
OSMF Engineering Working Group meeting 2023-11-15
Salt Lake City Salt Lake City Monthly Map Night 2023-11-16 flag
แขวงพระบรมมหาราชวัง SOTM Asia 2023-11-15 – 2023-11-17 th
종로1·2·3·4가동 2023 국경없는의사회 지오위크 매파톤 2023-11-16 flag
Bochum Bochumer OpenStreetMap-Treffen 2023-11-16 flag
Rio de Janeiro GIS DAY – HUB YouthMappers Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) 2023-11-17 flag
Pforzheim ÖPNV-Mapathon beim Verkehrsverbund Pforzheim-Enzkreis 2023-11-18 flag
San Jose South Bay Map Night 2023-11-22 flag
Bonn 169. OSM-Stammtisch Bonn 2023-11-21 flag
Autelbas Réunions des contributeurs 2023-11-21 flag
Lüneburg Lüneburger Mappertreffen (online) 2023-11-21 flag
Köln OSM-Stammtisch Köln 2023-11-22 flag
Lübeck 137. OSM-Stammtisch für Lübeck und Umgebung 2023-11-23 flag
Essen FOSSGIS-OSM-Communitytreffen 2023 Nummer 20 2023-11-24 – 2023-11-26 flag

If you like to see your event here, please put it into the OSM calendar. Only data which is there, will appear in weeklyOSM.

This weeklyOSM was produced by MatthiasMatthias, PierZen, Strubbl, TheSwavu, barefootstache, derFred, rtnf.
We welcome link suggestions for the next issue via this form and look forward to your contributions.

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